Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Embarrassing moments

In a relationship on wheels, you have to learn how to laugh at the things you can’t control. Semi-embarrassing moments are bound to happen, but you and your main squeeze can become even stronger by laughing them off or learning from them. A real relationship is one that doesn’t let anything chair-related get in the way of loving each other.

from heart break to wholeness

Breakups can be so hard, and they can be amicable; no matter what, no one really wants to go through them. The
loss of your relationship can bring on intense heartache and stress. But if you're looking for some help getting through it and want some suggestions about how to make it a little easier, read on

The Agony Of a Nigerian Fat Girl

Article written by Jennifer Ogoo Okolo. Enjoy...

"The Fat girl ends up miserable year after year. The society has neglected the fuller woman. This has resulted to fat girls feeling depressed, left-out and downcast. The average big lady spends most of their years in solitude, angry at themselves, the society and even their shadow. Many are being laugh at, ridiculed, jilted, abused and sent back indoors where they are depressed and even get fatter. The society is such a big nightmare for this group of people which is saddening." Continue...