Wednesday, August 27, 2014


I made a solemn prayer to God one day that i was seriously tired of dates and dinners.. idle talks and empty nights alone. i wanted something tangible, something better than all these, someone worth hanging on to and giving my time, value, love and joy to.
 i simply wanted More......

so you know what ? God decided to answer my prayer and it came in the form of my best friend. he was my plaything, my friend, my paddy, my guyest guy and more. but as a lover or even a boyfriend, i didn't seem to think so. i continued looking for until one day he actually made the move;

we went on one of our usual outings and what was supposed to be a two(2) hour outing turned into the whole day and at the end of the day we came home and passed out together...

I woke up in the morning to see him staring at me,it was awkward at first but later on i shrugged off the feeling that something was starting to feel funny between us.i was seeing him in a different way. he was starting to look like food.. like something i wanted to have for breakfast.

 The drastic switch from besty to lover as the days went by shocked even me. i started to see him in a different light, he  was my sunshine, my Eldorado, we had this bond like relationship and it was sweeter than honey....literarily. he knew me and i knew him and life couldn't be any better. then one day he came home and called to say he was leaving the say i was shocked was an understatement.. i was devastated at the thought of having to be alone for two years as he was going to do a masters course in Asia. my gift of love was short termed i thought to myself, God wasnt being fair to me at all.
i wanted to cry, in fact i actually cried so much then i stopped and told myself there was no need for it, i had to be strong for myself, for all the women who were heart broken and for the future unknown.
so on the day he left i didn't see him off, neither did i pick his call or speak to him. i just ignored and acted like he never existed and in fact he ceased to exist in my minds eye. to me ,Osas was gone and forgotten.
....more to come

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