Sunday, September 21, 2014


Certain things that happen in life bring you to ask certain questions, is this all there is?
is there more to this life and the next? have we lost it all? do we need to keep searching for more

So I'd been dating  for nine(9) months and in time i learnt a lot of things,

1. people are not who they seem,

2. never take things to heart,

3. define what you want and don't want at the beginning of every relationship

4. learning to compromise does not mean compromising on your standards

5.people are not the same, up bringing matters a lot

6. life is not what you see in movies, real life is very very different.

7. Wisen up very fast and adapt to changing times, lest the evil times redeem you.

i know i learnt a lot more than these seven points but the rest will come in another chapter.

learning  is a huge process,  like my dad will always say "when you refuse to learn, then those who learn will lead you''.
 Allowing certain knowledge pass you by is not a sign of stupidity, but wiseness. you don't need to know every thing but you can decide to be aware and cautious.
like i said i have learnt.

MOVING ON ... when things go bad we tend to complain alot and hope that by complaining it will change or get better. worrying never helps nything.
change is a constant and so with that knowledge we should lern to dpt quickly to situations and stop witing for other people to change for us ll the time.
PAIN.. is good. pain is what reminds you that there is a purpose, that the struggle is real and no joke. pain is that sudden reality that we re in this sh**t for real and we have to keep forging head regardless of the obstcle infront of us.
EVERYTHING in life is temporary, NOTHING  lasts forever, rain comes and goes, even the storm comes to and end, so enjoy it while you can and endure it if you can, like i will always say, your misery is your ministry.
OUR SCARS are our symbols of triumph and victory, is is reminder that we have conquered  and come through it all .
it is a reiteration that we survived through it all nd came out with something to show that we did brave through the vicissitudes of life.
NO ONE is promising a safe haven from all the arrows that life will throw at you, but that if you stand strong , you will emerge a survivor and victorios at the end.
LET it be said... LET it be known that in your life time you came , you saw, you lived , and you conquered.

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