Sunday, November 16, 2014


this i got from a family friend.... pls read and comment

Hey people,I have something to share with u all,its a life story,I've had a bad weekend bcos of it,its not a hear say story,I saw for myself,and I want to hear ur opinions,am so heartbroken.thus the story:
I went to visit a friend of mine dis weekend,and as we got to her house she called on a little 9 year old girl to come and take her medication she had with her,the little girl in question is her neighbours daughter,the girl comes from a polygamous home,her mum is the second wife of the two wives her dad has,they live in d same compound bt different flats,so everyone minds their business,the man of the house lives and works in another city and just comes visiting.
So I wondered why my friend had to be the one giving the girl her medication and not her mum,the young girl came into the house and her bad odour filled the sitting room,so I asked my friend where the girls mum is,and she said the mum doesn't care about her kids and goes about doing watever she likes,and doesn't mind her home,the woman has a 15 year old son from another man and then an 11year old son and this 9 year old girl for this man she's married to and lives in his house,her 15 year old son has been having sex with her 9 year old daughter,he started with the remote control and afterwards he started using his peepee as the girl narrated to me,she reported him to her mum and the mum just called him and warned him never to do it again,and yet the boy continued to sleep with his sister,and even has anal sex with her,(the 9 year old girl)two other boys in the neighborhood sleep with her also and one old man who is a painter,so 4 men sleep with her and they always close her mouth and ask her not to shout if not they will catch them and will not buy her biscuits,my friend found out through her house help that told her that the girl touches herself and doesn't like to wear my friend called her to talk to her,and the girl's smell got her questioning her and hence the confession.I looked at the girl closely,such a baby going through this,my friend took her to the hospital and found out that she had contacted some STD's from this men,cos apparently they have been sleeping with her without protection,hence the smell coming from her,so my friend comes bk and approaches her mum,tells her about her findings,and the mum is raising her voice and saying who asked her to go and expose her daughter,so my friend has to take responsibility of giving the girl her medication and monitoring her movements.her 11 year old brother was called to question him and he said he sees his elder brother and sister raping themselves.
Imagine that?what is this world turning to?why aren't some mothers doing their jobs as mothers?hmmmm I couldn't believe this as the girl narrated this to me and showed me her innocent body defiled by wat do I call this men?OMG,I really don't want to take matters into my hands,my friend has called the girls father,I hope he does the right thing.I think this girl should be taken away from her mum,to a different environment,the poor girl doesn't even know the gravity of all this and wat it can cause her in the near future.please let us be careful who we leave our children with,take good care of our kids,talk to them and make them to be open to us,that way you will know what is going on in their lives,be our brothers keeper.OMG am so broken,haven't been myself all weekend.

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